What does voting have to do with Redefining Love?

In case you’re wondering what voting has to do with Redefined Love… Well, everything.

Redefined Love is about interconnectedness. It is about how you are connected to your most intimate self, and outward then to your family of origin, romantic partners, children, friends, and the world at large.

Redefined Love is about how we relate to the world. It is about participating in life. If you are fortunate enough to live in a place that allows you to participate in the processes of government by voting, then it is not only a privilege, but a responsibility of Redefining Love to take part.

Redefining Love is about accountability. In order to vote, you must examine what you believe. This helps you think about who you are.

What if, as you examine the candidates and issues, you realize that you really don’t agree with someone on an issue he or she vocally supports? This raises a lot of questions for you. Suddenly you are on a journey of self-discovery that may be uncomfortable, but necessary in order for you to find your true self.

And the beauty of voting? It’s anonymous! You can quietly make a statement – perhaps your first boundary – without the other person ever knowing about it. Remember that baby steps are okay, and voting is a great way to take baby steps towards your goal of becoming an emotionally independent person.

Redefining Love is not about passivity. Redefining Love is about taking a stand for who you are. It is okay to speak boldly for what you believe. You simply must do it peacefully and respectfully.

There is no more peaceful or respectful way to take a stand than to quietly and confidently walk into a voting station and cast your vote for people and things you believe in. What a privilege and what a power! Own your power!

So as you can see, it is so much bigger than politics. Yes, the politics are important. But voting is also good for your emotional and physical well-being. It’s just a part of being a healthy person.

Get out there and VOTE!

Related Links:
How do I redefine love?
The Big Picture
The 20 Permissions
The 20 Responsibilities

Published November 1, 2018

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