The 20 Responsibilities of Redefining Love
You have a responsibility to...
Accept your own darkness.
Accept your own light.
Own your mistakes.
Say you’re sorry when it’s warranted.
Refuse to apologize for other people’s mistakes.
Be firm but kind.
Attempt to see things from the other person’s point of view.
Get healthy emotionally and physically.
Listen to reason.
Keep yourself and your children safe, emotionally and physically.
Distinguish where you end other people begin.
Set healthy boundaries.
Maintain your boundaries, even when it’s uncomfortable.
Build a support system.
Educate yourself before forming an opinion.
Invest in healing.
Commit to the truth.
Be your own advocate.
Be your own best friend.
Love first.
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If you feel at any point like you want to harm yourself or someone else, seek professional help immediately or dial 911. You are worth too much to the world to choose otherwise.
The author of Redefining Love is not a licensed mental healthcare professional. The information included on this site is for the specific purposes of learning to set boundaries and hold yourself and others accountable with love and grace. For mental health diagnosis questions or clinical mental health treatment or concerns, please reach out to a licensed mental healthcare professional.