Welcome to the Redefining Love Shop!

Ready to share your newfound boundaries, accountability, and grace with the world?! Here’s your chance! This is the one and only OFFICIAL place to grab your Redefining Love swag. 

Our Founder Sara Beth Wald is slightly obsessed with graphic tees. As a writer, she takes words very seriously, so designing these custom items was a blast for us! Make sure you check in on the Redefining Love Shop every now and then to watch for new items!

The best part of shopping the RL Shop? A percentage of every purchase is donated to  Sara’s favorite charities supporting trauma survivors. 

So Shop Away!

Redefining Love Book

Redefining Love Book

Redefining Love offers a roadmap to help you heal from even your deepest hurts and disappointments and a pathway to grace within your most bitter disagreements. It doesn’t matter where you start; all that matters is that you begin.

If you are tired of feeling angry, resentful, hurt, and blown off course by what feels like uncontrollable circumstances, Redefining Love may be the answer.

$16.99 paperback
$9.99 ebook
~$9.99 audio (varies per promotion)

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